You should strive to fertilize four times a year. Let’s focus on what you can be doing NOW – in the Spring months of late February through May – to get your yard looking good as well as prepared for the hot summer months ahead.
In late February or March, apply a 15-5-10 fertilizer to get your landscaping to green up. Look for the type that is not a slow-release, so that you’ll benefit from a faster greening in as little as just two weeks. If you use the slow-release instead, you’ll be waiting a lot longer for that healthy green color in your yard.
There shouldn’t be a need for applying a weed-and-feed fertilizer at this time of year, unless you see areas that could use some spot treatments. Even then, only use weed-and-feed on lawns that are well-established or only include turf. Keep in mind that the Atrizine ingredient in most weed-and-feed products can burn the roots of young shrubs and trees, so don’t risk applying that and losing your new landscaping.
Also in the February to March timeframe, it’s time to apply herbicides. These pre-emergent controls help prevent grassy weeds like crabgrass, dallisgrass, and goosegrass from appearing in the summertime. Some grassy pre-emergents to try include Treflan, Balan, Betasan, or Amaze.
In late March through early April, apply slow release 3-1-2 ratio fertilizers. You’ll repeat this application again in late June to early July for ideal results.
Finally, in May or early June, you can do another application of grassy pre-emergents. This will help avoid weeds that can pop up in August and into the Fall months.
If you follow a schedule like this for fertilizing your yard this Spring, you’ll be glad you did. Chances are you’ll enjoy a green, weed-free lawn during the months ahead.
Let us know if we can help. Contact us today!