Thursday, December 31, 2015

How to Prepare for a Freeze

When you’re expecting freezing temperatures at your home, you need to be proactive about protecting your landscaping. It’s the best way to keep your plants healthy and able to survive freezing weather. Here are some tips to help you prepare for a freeze.


To help lower the risk of freezing damage to your plants, water them thoroughly before the freezing weather arrives. This aids your plants not by providing cold protection exactly, but by preventing your plants from drying out when strong winds occur that often accompany cold weather. However, watering your soil well does help it absorb solar radiation better than dry soil, which promotes re-radiation of the heat during the night.


When possible, transfer your tender hanging baskets and container plants indoors where freezing temperatures will not reach them. Remember to place them in an area that will receive light if they will be kept indoors for an extended period. If you cannot move plants inside a building, group them in a protected area such as the inside corner of a covered patio and cover them with a material like plastic.


For plants that will stay outside and are not too large, protect them individually by covering them with cardboard or Styrofoam boxes.


Plants that are not in containers but grow directly in the ground can be protected using mulches. Loose, dry materials like leaves or pine straw are most helpful. Remember that mulch will only protect areas that it covers so spread it appropriately. Mulch is ideal for preventing freeze damage to crowns or underground portions of plants. It can also be used to completely cover groundcover or low-growing plants up to a four inches deep, but make sure you don’t leave the plants covered for more than four days.

If you have any questions or need help winterizing your landscaping contact us today: