Sunday, September 30, 2012

Spruce Up Your Landscaping for Fall

It’s been a long hot summer here in Katy, but there are some signs that Fall is in the air. Football is underway, Halloween decorations fill the store aisles, and pumpkins are placed on front porches. Now it’s time to think about what this time of year means to your landscaping, which may be looking a little rough around the edges after the summer heat.

Now is the perfect time to take advantage of the cooler temperatures and rainfall to revamp your landscaping. Autumn is the time of year that your plants tend to work on establishment instead of new growth. Lawns, shrubs, trees and flowers relish the warm soil combined with cooler air, and develop a better hold in your landscape. Some of the prettiest landscapes you’ll see next Spring are the ones that were planted in the Fall. Your plants will have time to become established now, have a time of rest during winter, and will revive in Springtime happy and comfortable in their environment. Then your well-established landscaping will be ready for the stress that next summer will bring!

Here are some landscaping tips for this Fall:
  • Plant trees and flowering shrubs. Some of them are at their best colors during this season. As explained above, they flourish in upcoming seasons after Fall planting, and you’ll reap the benefits for years to come.
  • Consider planting evergreens. Not only will you enjoy their appearance all year, they provide diversity in your landscaping. They add some color, as well as giving wildlife a place to enjoy in your landscape year-round.
  • Add mulch to your gardens. A new layer of mulch protects your plants for the upcoming winter, and provides both beauty and texture to your yard.
  • Fertilize your lawn with a good winterizer. It will thicken your lawn to get it ready for next Spring.
  • Plant perennials that supply instant appeal, as well as establish themselves for future years. You can even use perennials in containers to enjoy on your patio, and then replant them into the ground in late Fall so that the roots are protected during winter months.
  • Don’t forget the annual flowers too. Pansies and ornamental kale are great choices in Katy to add bright colors to your landscaping.